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+5 votes
How much dosage will it take to kill you? I assume this is a fast and easy method to commit suicide which is not discussed to my surprise. After overdosing your blood glucose will drop rapidly, you will start loosing consciousness or fall into coma or something like that and that's it.
Any thoughts?
in Deep Answers by Newbie (440 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
First you'll get the sweats and extremely shaky. Your heart will race out your chest and you'll probably die in agony those last few moments. My wife's diabetic and it's not fun when she's in a low that's for sure.. there are easier and faster ways.  But why would you want to anyway?
by Newbie (560 points)
Hey thanks for the response. I'm not looking for it myself. I feel that our society have way too much *****ish and immature approach towards suicide. I feel that suicide should be a legal right, atleast to chronically ill people who don't want to choke down on medicines forever. A human should have the right to make choice about his own life. What he wants to do with his own life shouldn't be anyone's buisness.

So, I'm kind of exploring on it and trying to categorise comparatively easy ways to do it. Also I like exploring taboos. So there's that.
OK fair enough.. well any normal person (non diabetic) it wouldn't take much insulin to drop below normal levels. To make sure I'd say you wouldn't need more than 50units. But then again I'm no expert. I know there are 2 types of insulin fast acting and long acting. So make sure it's fast acting for obvious reasons. Don't know where you are but walmart sells insulin without a script. So it's very easy to obtain but it will not be as peaceful as you may think it is just FYI.
Noted yes but I have researched on it, some type 1 diabetes patients passes away in sleep due to excess insulin. It's call dead bed syndrome or something like that. I get that when your body will drop to ridiculous low levels then you are going to feel it coming but sometimes it can a quick blackout.
I'd imagine maybe if you were already asleep when it happens or old as f in the hospital already dying. Someone *****er or healthier for some reason I don't see it going smooth but then again I'm no expert. My wife's diabetic that's about as much I know. It's brutal when she's in a low.. but either way i wish good luck and that you take care..
0 votes
If I were you, I would stick to the old tried and true of OD'ing sleeping pills. I made a SERIOUS and FIRREAL suicide attempt that way about 6 years ago with Trazodone pills, and the only reason I didn't choke to death on my own vomit was because, like the dumbass I am, I fell asleep on my side on a couch. I just had puke running down the side of the couch and on the floor. It was almost pleasant the way you drift out of consciousness, honestly.
by Newbie (180 points)
0 votes
Id like to tell you that you are dumb, but its an understatement. I know someone who did this, the very way you are talking about. They ended up dying from a heart attack, my understanding is that the insulin lowers your sugar in your blood no sugar = no atp, no atp = heart works faster. In either event they died pretty miserable. It was 9 hours of them on camera talking about how they were going to die, only to accumulate in a 30 second fall over.