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+5 votes
So there are a few boys in class i wanna kill, anyone have any ideas how i could manage it? I don't care how I do it, just gimme some ideas pls :)
in Deep Answers by

4 Answers

0 votes
We all have someone. Doesn't mean we are gonna do it. It's just life bro. Relax. Few years down the road your gonna thank yourself for not ruining your life and ending up in prison.
by Newbie (560 points)
0 votes
what ever reason
do not take someones life
just teach them a lesson
give them some sleeping pills
the gon sleep for days. lol
get them here

don't think of killing any one my G
by Recruit (1.3k points)
0 votes
i suggest you to don't it will ruin your whole life
by Newbie (360 points)
0 votes
dPoison them

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