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+5 votes
I'll give you legit links to whatever you want, help you choose the right shop if you are a buyer, for vendors i will give best market places they can sell their products, Telegrm is Makichan3 if you are interested. I will also help you get absolute privacy in the dark web!!
in Markets by Newbie (510 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks, but, why are you doing that?. I'm search an forum for search about topics of cybersecurity.
by Newbie (380 points)
For the cyber Security on tor, i do and teach people because I believe everyone should know how to keep themselves private, keep their information safe, especially when you are int he dark side of the internet. The other part, i just do it for money, giving some classified informations, links and stuff which depending on what it is I get a couple bucks :)

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