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+5 votes
There are many videos where time-travelling people are caught on camera and although there are many faked videos, some of them look real.   will there be a machine that actually takes to the future? Or maybe to the past?
in Technology by

6 Answers

+3 votes
I think you mean a man walking down the street and just disappearing. most of these videos are fake.  But sometimes you can think deeper about it.   There are 7.9 billion people on the planet. Wouldn't there be at least one person with more advanced abilities?  Obviously most people are sceptical about time travel, it hasn't been proven to exist.
+1 vote
With astral travel, you can travel time, change bodies and leave the universe.

it’s the easiest way to reveal any secrets or help people or possibly visit our old relative or friends.
by Newbie (180 points)
i tried to astral travel and it didnt work so its fake nigga
0 votes

no why would already know by now. and we know. because there arecool

by Newbie (560 points)
0 votes
cannot go back to the past.
by (140 points)
0 votes
yes there is, i killed the baby hitler
by Recruit (1.2k points)
no sweet heart there is nothing called "time travel", just random stuff you see on TV
0 votes
Yes and no.

lets say we made a time machine, theroetically you would only be able to time travel as far back as the machine existed. So since time travel is not a thing, at least to the past time traveling to the past would not be possible. Now lets say we are going into the future, well we are already constantly doing that but at a fixed speed.

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