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I know it might seem weird, but I'm at a loss. But I'm not giving up either. I'll give you my telegram or my session ID and you can talk about it with me, help me and help me find a way to kill myself.

I know there are several ideas but I am struggling and need some help with them. I am NOT gonna meet anybody in person or give out exact location or any other personal info.

Giving me ideas here on this forum is fine but if you believe you can help me say so and I will give me @

Pleading with me to stop is pointless, I've already decided. As for why it's impossible to explain. In any case I will do it anyway. Even if it's hard for some reason right now. Thanks.
in Deep Answers by

1 Answer

0 votes
Killing yourself hmm
Isn't it better to fight no not with yourself but with your self esteem .
Bring your ego out that's what I did,if that doesn't help then you should kill yourself but just think about your pride that you will kill yourself and just become one of the no. of suicide people that die every year🤔🤔
oh please. oh please help me. Just give me a gun. Send me a gun. Give me the money to buy it. Or tell me someone who can.

I will drop my @ I just beg you. Please help me die. there's no going back.