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0 votes
If you want someone to get doxxed, contact me here:
Or here:
[email protected]

Give me everything you know about them. (Social media accounts are great too.)
Tell me where you want it posted. (I can post it to other websites if I want to.)
Tell me if you want any credit for it. (Even if you didn't help dox, I can put that you requested it IF YOU WANT THAT.)
Do not pay me until I find the information you want, because sometimes, I cant even find any useful information about the victim, so if I manage to get that, then you will pay me 100$ (US DOLLARS!) at this electrum address:

If you feel like donating, feel free to do that.
in Doxxing by Newbie (300 points)
edited by

2 Answers

0 votes
is free the service? And then where you go up the information???
by Newbie (670 points)
you uplodad doxxing in doxbin? or in sites spesifics
My services are free, yes.

For the information, I will look at my sources and (try to) find the personal information and other information.

I will upload it to doxbin, but if you want me to also post it anywhere else, then I will post it over there as well.
I don't understand, what do you gain from that? Or why you're doing it for free
Are you scammer. or smth. or just doing it for fun and to improve your doxxing skills?
I did actually make a wallet, and I thought it was just a wallet for crypto, but I found my public key.

In that case, I will probably make my services 300$, but since your my first customer, you can have it for free (IF YOU WANT TO), but if you want to use my services again, then it will be 300$.

I should actually update this lol.
0 votes
darkblue999, I sent you a message on the above Sonar link inquiring about your services. I am interested and have someone in mind.

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