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+1 vote
Opioids: What kind to get and how? How much? What's it feel like and how long?

Guns: How to get one easy and cheap?

Carbon monoxide poisoning: Can you do it inside a tent and how? What's it feel like? How long?

I've heard of chemical combinations that kill you before you can put the caps on the bottles back on. What are those and where do I find them?

Is there a way to dope yourself into self drowning?

Where could I go to jump that isn't too expensive or difficult to reach?

Are there any weapons that work to die?

How do you hang yourself, what does it feel like and how long does it take? Is it successful?

Help me.
in Deep Answers by (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
dude life is cool. there's a lot of nice things you can do. You should enjoy it instead of committing suicide
why do you want to do it?
0 votes
Plus when you suicide You will go to hell and will regret it
You want this?
hell is worse than everything
believe me
you will regret not listening to me
and will want to come back to life to not do this

Go get someone that helps you with your problem
Oh, if only you knew. I'm already in Hell. Killing myself is the only way out!
Why are you in hell already? How old are you dude or is it dudette?