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Advertising is temporarily not allowed. We've got into lots of bots registers. Remember that you should open dialogs and exchange ideas. In preference, in a free form for the benefit of the community. Thanks!

0 votes
It took me over 20 tries to register. I can't fricken see the letters and numbers, and I would have to do that every time I logged in!

Look, I get bot protection, but don't you think its a little TOO protective when the humans can't even solve it?

Please guys.
in Deep Answers by Newbie (220 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Just drag the Captcha Image behind a white background and you will be able to see the letters and numbers clearly! Hope this helps :3
by Newbie (340 points)
Thank you, I spent almost an hour trying to create an account and copying it to a white background made it easy to read.
0 votes
Open the image in new tab. It still doesn't work most of the time, but I hope that helps.