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QAFirst of all, I need to say that it's for a good cause.

Today the dog that is the unofficial mascot of the school where I study was run over and killed, as the city is small it was a great tragedy for many people . btw, I asked those responsible for managing the school's Instagram to declare something on the tl or in the stories, but they refused this and any type of tribute, as it was just "a dog that captivated the students".

So I was thinking about how can I make it happen and remembered that a while ago a partner of mine managed to access a girl's Instagram using Kali Linux or something, and I came here looking for answers, since I no longer have contact with this pal.

Does anyone here know if there really is a way to do this? or some program I can use for my purpose.

srry if any sentence is incorect, im from brazil💀
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