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–1 vote
What do you think? It is an effective way to commit suicide by injecting a strong spirit (vodka) into a vein? I've never heard of it, but I got this idea, because it would be easy, cost little money and I want no pain and none visible body damage. I can buy a syringe in a pharmacy.

FYI...I'm not 100% sure I want to do this. But I have an extreme life situation starting next week and I want to know an effective way to do this if the going gets tough and there is no other way.

I have a different perspective on death than most people. I don't see it as an end, but as a beginning somewhere else in another world (I believe in the afterlife and reincarnation). Thank you very much for the advice and have a good time.
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No. It's not a good method as alcohol poisoning takes a lot to pull off. I am happy that you have a belief in the afterlife but try to enjoy this one before moving on to the next...just in case.


by Newbie (580 points)