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+5 votes
Guy who love tripping sac. I want to know how to create and safely produce lsd? I'm willing to pay for knowledge.
in Recreational drugs by

1 Answer

+1 vote
Its a lot more chemistry intensive than you might first think, the precursors are closely monitored by the DEA/Feds. You'd need a complete lab setup with thousands of dollars worth of equipment as well. If you don't have a college level understanding you wont be able to do it.

If you're looking to trip and produce what you use, look into growing mushrooms. Its easy, cheap, and most importantly, not closely monitored by the gov. for mushrooms you can honestly just go to reddit and find a libraries worth of knowledge and step by step processes. additionally there are tons pf people willing to answer any question you might have.
by Newbie (280 points)

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